Recognizing noise pollution as a collective health and environmental problem, we are committed to actively contributing to a calmer world.

It all began with a collective frustration over the pervasive impact of noise pollution on daily life—an impediment to focus, tranquility, and overall well-being.
Driven by this shared determination, our team embarked on a mission to revolutionize noise control.
Through years of research and experimentation, we've discovered that it's possible to combine the best of active and passive control methods to effectively combat noise pollution without the need to enclose spaces.
Today, we aim to stand as leaders in the field of AI-powered noise control, committed to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and communities worldwide through our innovative solutions.

Over two decades of Research and Development

An innovative solution at the crossroads of Physics and Electronics.

Gaël Matten

Co-founder & CEO

(PhD in Mechanics and Acoustics)

Robin Rivaton​


(Master in Management, VC) ​

Morvan Ouisse​

Co-founder & Scientific Advisor​


Manuel Collet​

Co-founder & Scientific Advisor​

(CNRS Research Director)


Embedded systems engineer

Master in Complex Systems Engineering


Research and Development Engineer

PhD in Numerical Vibroacoustics


Electronic engineer

30 Years of Experience


Experimental Methods Engineer

PhD in Psychoacoustics


Product Design and Development Engineer

Master in Mecanical Engineering


Office Manager

Master in Business Administation

Our missions & visions

Our goal is to foster healthier and more quiet environments for everyone. We envision a world where individuals thrive in peaceful work and living spaces, free from the disruptions of noise pollution.

Our commitments


We prefer French and European partners to minimize our carbon footprint.
We pay particular attention to the personal development of each employee, developing a pleasant working environment within an innovative project.
We’re helping to create the green cities of tomorrow, by taking the noise out of cities and public transport.
Our product allows the use of less powerful ventilation equipment, which consumes less electricity.

Vibiscus SAS
18 Rue Alain Savary, 25000 Besançon  |  +33 (0)3 81 25 03 49